The cautionary tales we heard as children were only the beginning. In The World Outside, Elad Haber’s debut collection, you will find stories slippery and surreal, fables full of fantasy and fury, and apocalyptic parables that braid the future with strands of our past. Music becomes a commodity beyond the control of the artist; discover Time as a community-offered service. Classic archetypes shed their skins—like out-of-season leisure wear— looking to find something that lets them express their true selves. Even the things that offer us hope and meaning have unexpected and unforeseen side-effects.
Like all tales told around the fire, Haber’s stories are filled with both wonderment and warning. What we discover as we wander into the shadows will be weird and strange—and it will certainly have teeth—but that doesn’t mean we won’t be prepared.
The World Outside is your guidebook to what lies beyond.
The full table of contents is as follows:
- “Ophelia and The Beast”
- “A Beauty, Sleeping”
- “Rapunzel Goes Mad”
- “Doll Parts”*
- “Number One Hit”
- “Do What You Desire”
- “The Conductor Sighs”
- “Time Keep”
- “It Only Rains at Night”
- “D”*
- “Bee Mine”
- “Stay in Your Homes”
- “But My Heart Keeps Watching”
- “Halfway Down the Hole”
- “Never Stop Moving”*
- “The Dying Disease”
- “Young Man, Are You Lost?”
- “Life in a Glasshouse”
- “The Remembrance Engine”
- “All My Memories Are You”
- “A Fiery Lull”
* These stories are exclusive to this collection.