UNDERLAND PRESS considered and purchased a slew of mystery, dark fantasy, horror, and other speculative types of fiction for a loosely-themed anthology. This one is called "Eighteen," and is symbolic of the great river at night, where the wolves howl and all doors are open. All thresholds are possible, and every truth is elusive. The Eighteenth Tarot card is the Moon, and those who raise their arms to her know she offers Mercy and Severity in equal measure. These are stories of mischief and mayhem. These are stories of magic.

Eighteen is in series with Thirteen: Stories of Transformation, which was published by Underland Press. You may find out more information about Thirteen here.

Publication occurred on the spring equinox of 2020 as the wheel turned and the waters started to flow again.

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ISBN 978-1-63023-067-8
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